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search in city: Melville
Search conditions: city Melville, field of activity Research and testing
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Companies USA Companies in the state of New York
Cataloxy Melville...Companies in MelvilleIT, Internet, R&DResearch and testing in Melville

Research and testing in Melville

5 companies founded

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Certified Laboratories

Certified Laboratories
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N & P ENGR. & Land Surveyor

Nelson & Pope is an established, multi-disciplined civil engineering and surveying partnership that has been serving municipal and private clients...
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Canon Biomedical

Canon Development Americas INC.
Improve sustainability, increase efficiency, and control costs through large format, continuous feed, digital printing, and document management...
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Pace Analytical Svc. Inc.

Pace Analytical Svc. Inc.
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Ul Llc

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL is a global independent safety science company with more than a century of expertise innovating safety solutions.
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