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search in city: Melville
Search conditions: city Melville, field of activity Electronic equipment. Telecommunications equipment
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Companies USA Companies in the state of New York
Cataloxy Melville...Companies in MelvilleElectrical, Electronics & OpticalElectronic equipment. Telecommunications equipment in Melville

Electronic equipment. Telecommunications equipment in Melville

7 companies founded

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Comtech Ef Data

Comtech Telecommunications Corp.
Comtech Telecommunications Corp.
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Nic Components

NIC Components - Capacitors, Inductors, Resistors and other performance passives
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L S I Computer Systems Inc.

Design and Production of Full Custom and Standard Integrated Circuits
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Master Instrument Usa Corp.

Rectifiers, semiconductor
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Wireless Place

Wireless Place provides the best wireless products and the most authentic services to our customers. It has been rated as the best seller on Amazon...
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Interdigital Communications

The Institute Of Electrical And Electron
InterDigital - Creating the Living Network
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Northrop Grumman Corpor...

Northrop Grumman Corpor...
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